The Cornerstone Factor is alignment.
Alignment is the developmental approach of balancing the opposing, yet complementary dynamics within the organization. It is this alignment within each element of organizational life that produces quality products and services, and, ultimately, quality of organizational life. When there is alignment, opposing dynamics oscillate in harmony and balance. One comes to realize these seemingly opposing dynamics do not lie on a continuum, where increasing one decreases the other. Rather, these dynamics have an orthogonal* relationship, in which both can be developed to their fullest potential.
In organizational life, there can be alignment in the orthogonal relationship between morale and production. A factory seeking to raise the morale of its employees may create a-tension with production schedules. This tension is healthy because it holds the organization in dynamic balance. If the factory was to lean in favor of morale, they might be a happy group with no profits. They would not be happy for long. If the factory concentrated only on increasing production, the employees might become dissatisfied and less committed to their work. In which case, they would not be productive for long. The Cornerstone Factor offers a simple, yet profound approach for helping organizations manage this alignment.